Friday, May 03, 2013

Mandala for yesterday, 02-05-2013. The day i've got my Triskele.

Thursday May 2nd's vibration (2+5+2+0+1+3) = 13/4.
The energy of 13/4 expresses the need to align ones will with the divine will, to transform our perspective from an ego-driven consciousness to a divine mind-driven consciousness: the self, 1, creating, 3, a new form, 4. The 13th card in the Tarot is the Death card, death of the old, birth of the new. Of course, we meet the Death card with fear, because we have been taught to believe that death marks the end, the final annihilation of the self. But what the Death card teaches us is that death is a transformation, and marks a turn in the cycle, a transformation into another level of being that destroys all illusion. In the path of the Alchemist, signposted by the Tarot and the universal language of vibration along the way, step 13 really symbolises the death of the ego, which is that aspect of ourselves that we so easily identify with our physical bodies. It is through the desires of the ego that the physical pleasures of the body crave to be satisfied, and this ultimately brings only suffering.
Kill the ego, end all attachments and transform from an instinct-driven animal into a divine-willed human being driven by compassion. Death is often perceived as representing chaos, and when 1 and 3 are unbalanced, chaos is something they can easily conspire to create. However, death and the vibration of 13 destroy illusion, and 13 can reveal the true cosmic order that underlies every event, even if things appear chaotic and random at the time. The number 13 is also the vibration of INITIATION.
In earthly systems of counting, the number 12 is seen as a complete circuit, especially when we consider the face of a clock; the 12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year, etc. So 12 is considered a full set or completed range of experience. But 13 takes us to a whole new plateau of perceptual experience, which is the main purpose of initiation. Christ surrounded himself with 12 disciples, making him the 13th transformative element that initiated the rebirth of our spiritual consciousness.  13 transforms the divine vibration into realities that perpetually transcend each other, creating the myriad of dimensions that is the Universe. When 13 appears, It is time to end things and embrace the next phase, accept your fear and trepidation. We are naturally fearful of the unknown, but know that this is such a necessary transformation occurring for you now, and probably long overdue. With the 13 around, you may feel unfamiliar to yourself, but ultimately you are shedding a skin and re-birthing yourself under this powerful transformative vibration. Be prepared to meet new people, visit new places and allow change to occur without clinging to the past, the new order is manifesting!

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